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Egg Nog
Mixing at Home

Mixing at Home: Holiday Eggnog

Mixing at Home: Holiday Eggnog Holiday Drinks Recipe Mixing is what we do, so it’s no surprise that we love the array of mixed drinks that come with the holiday season. One favorite is eggnog, a drink that has several mixing steps. Making it can be tricky, so we thought we’d share our process for mastering a festive holiday eggnog. Ingredients 6 eggs 3/4 cup sugar 1 quart milk 1 pint cream 6 ounces bourbon (optional) 6 ounces spiced rum (optional) 1 whole nutmeg, for grating Instructions Separate egg whites from the yolks into separate bowls Vigorously mix egg yolks until they turn light in color, adding 1/2 cup of sugar as you mix Mix in milk, cream, and (if desired)

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Quality Mixing
Dynamix Products

Mixing 101: 4 Impeller Types & Their Applications

Mixing 101: 4 Impeller Types & Their Applications The Importance of Impeller Selection We first mentioned impellers in our blog discussing 4 factors for configuring your mixer. In this post, we will look more closely at impeller types and their applications. The impeller is the component of a mixer that does the actual mixing and produces the results. That’s because when it rotates, it creates fluid flow and shear patterns. While there are many types of impellers, there are 4 main types we use when engineering mixers. The 4 Main Impeller Types 1. Airfoil Generally most efficient because it produces the maximum pumping with the lowest shear. Standard Dynaflow™ High Solidity Dynaflow™ for Gas Dispersion 2. Pitch Blade Ideal for

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